Unnati and Shilpjeevika Survey
The Committee keeps conducting surveys to understand the ground realities and better structure its initiatives. Recently, it conducted a survey in Surpura aimed at understanding the parental perspective on the current education structure in schools. The survey was designed to not only assess what the parental opinion is with regard to the current educational structure but also to discern what parents desired for their children’s education. A comprehensive survey form comprising subjective and objective questions was created in advance to ensure a thorough understanding of parental needs. Thirty members of the Committee participated in the survey, covering a significant number of households in the residential areas of Surpura. The survey encompassed inquiries regarding the number of children in the household, the time parents devoted to their studies, and their expectations from an ideal educational curriculum.
The target audience for the survey were parents/guardians. In cases where parents were unavailable, discussions were held with their grandparents. The survey revealed valuable insights into parental perspectives on the education system in Surpura. Parents expressed concerns about the current structure’s ability to meet the holistic needs of their children. Many emphasized the importance of practical, life-skills-oriented education alongside academic learning. Additionally, parents highlighted the need for more personalized attention and support for students with diverse learning needs. The parents also expressed the interest of their children in sports which they believe works as a factor in motivating their children to study more efficiently.
A similar survey was conducted for the Shilpjeevika project which focuses on women’s skill development to identify the areas in which women may be interested, specifically on soap production, sewing, and other relevant areas, while assessing the product demand within the village. It was done with the aim to understand the demand and interests better to structure the Shilpjeevika project.
Digital and Financial Literacy Survey
Recognising the way inequalities evolve with society, a Digital and Financial Literacy Survey was conducted to better understand the Committee’s future steps in furthering the aim of gender justice. The results of the survey were analysed and a report was formulated on the same.
Report on Labour Law Reforms in India
The Committee collaborated with the Migration & Asylum Project [“MAP”] to provide research assistance in the drafting of MAP’s flagship report analysing the proposed Labour Law Reforms by the Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India, which aim to provide decent working conditions and improved quality of life for workers, employment generation and simplification of Labour Laws for ease of doing business. MAP is India’s first dedicated law centre for forced migration and displacement. Started in 2013, it seeks to end the marginalisation of one of the most vulnerable communities in the world – migrants and refugees – by making the Rule of Law central to addressing human rights challenges and ensuring grassroots justice.
12 members were selected from the Committee to assist MAP. The research assistants were tasked with initiating research on the following 4 Labour Codes: The Code of Wages, the Industrial Relations Code, the Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions Code, and the Social Security Code. They were tasked with finding out the redressal mechanism under the relevant Code and enquiring whether appropriate authorities exist for adjudication of disputes and implementation of the Code. They were further tasked with finding out the powers and responsibilities of these authorities, and the procedure of filing a complaint under them. Lastly, they were also to analyse the penalties imposed under the Code for its violation of the touchstone of necessity and proportionality.
The members of the Committee provided a systematic research report with an analysis of Central and State rules and contemporary Labour Law reforms. The final report will be published soon in collaboration with the World Bank.