The committee is dedicated to advancing access to justice and promoting social welfare through its multifaceted initiatives. With a core focus on imparting practical legal knowledge and information, our aim is to empower individuals with an understanding of their basic legal rights and remedies. We strive to make legal aid accessible to all by bridging the gap between advocates across Rajasthan and those in need of legal assistance. Furthermore, the Committee is committed to conducting research projects to assess the level of legal awareness and the implementation of welfare legislation. Recognizing the importance of gender justice, we actively work towards securing the rights of women through various initiatives. We believe in fostering a culture of inquiry and critical thinking among students, encouraging them to question the implementation of laws through the judicial machinery.
In alignment with the Government of India’s smart village initiative, the Committee has adopted the village of Surpura, where we are dedicated to enhancing basic infrastructure and public facilities. Our vision is to create positive social change and contribute to the holistic development of the community.
Through our collaborative efforts and unwavering commitment, we strive to create a more just and equitable society where legal rights are upheld, and access to justice is ensured for all.