Lok Adalat is an innovative approach to dispute resolution in India. Unlike conventional judicial forums, Lok Adalats aim to provide a swift and cost-effective mechanism for resolving disputes, particularly those of a civil or compoundable nature. One of the primary functions of Lok Adalats is to enhance access to justice for all strata of society. By providing a platform for expeditious resolution of disputes, they contribute significantly to reducing the backlog of cases in traditional courts. They act as a catalyst for justice, particularly for marginalized and economically disadvantaged sections of society.
Since Lok Adalat is a voluntary and consensual nature of dispute resolution, the principles of conciliation and mediation are employed to achieve expeditious and amicable resolutions. The Committee provided a platform to the people of Surpura village for amicably resolving their disputes. Firstly, the Committee members contacted pro-bono clinics, local panchayats, and advocates in the pursuit of cases that could have been resolved through mediation. One of the disputes involved water from the property of one of the villagers hindering the enjoyment of another person’s property. The Committee employed the services of two advocates, each representing one party of the dispute. A solution was brought about by the mediators which led to a resolution of the dispute between the parties. The Committee assisted the conciliation process and facilitated dialogue between parties so that they could reach a mutually agreeable solution. The Committee regularly organises such Lok Adalats to promote amicable and faster resolution of disputes.